Monday 8 February 2010

quilt.. mostly

soooo this is as far as i have gotten with my quilt:
i've been ill since the beginning of term so i haven't been up to much, everything is pretty much on hold coz my brain feels like sludge. blah blah blah

Anyways, i spent my Christmas in Egypt so took advantage of this fact by buying some fabric XD
Even though i already have ridiculous amount of fabric, i bough this stuff for a purpose! to line my lovely little quilt, i looked at reds and blues to line but settled on a creamy kinda fluffy fabric :)
speaking of lots of fabric, its been WAAAAAY too long since i made any creatures but i kinda of not feeling inspired and im not sure where my creature book is... oh wait tell a lie, there it is :S
EGH I NEED TO MAKE! but i need to do uni work first... really not feeling it at the moment..

any which wuzzel, currently sorting out my photography thinly coz i'm trying to get work experience :S

so i should go sort that out... so im going to do that... and then i'll do some sketch book, then maybe some sewing as a reward for sketchbook... hmms YES!

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